Totem Equipment is the new dealer for Gehl skid loaders and track loaders. The most useful tool on any jobsite Totem Equipment and Gehl have a skid or track loader for every application. Gehl skid loaders perfect for snow removal and endless jobsite tasks. Gehl track loaders ideal for softer, muddier conditions or land clearing. Totem has the attachments to turn your skid loader into a “swiss army knife” on the job. Totem has Brush mowers, snow blowers augers to fit both track and skid loaders. Contact Totem Equipment to fill your tool box.
Get 0% for 36 months or cash back up to $2500 on all new GEHL Skid Steers and CTLS. Purchases must be made before 12/31/23. Give us a call at (907) 276-2858 or stop in to talk with one of our skid loader / tracker experts: 2536 Commercial Drive, Anchorage, AK 99501